Monday, June 16, 2008

Not-A-Father's Day

Well, I survived yesterday, known as Father's Day to most of the world. Since my husband died 4 years ago, and my father died 3 years ago, my daughter and I don't have fathers. So we celebrate Not-A-Father's Day! We gave presents to my brother, nephew, and father-in-law.

Strangly enough, this year really was the easiest to deal with regarding memories. In fact, the few times I thought of husband/daddy I didn't get sad at all, just a little nostalgic. Some things do get better with time.

The saddest part was saying goodbye to Brother Mike, our minister at St Luke's Methodist Church. He's been there for 9 years, and he's leaving to be a District Superintendent in Vicksburg. He christened my daughter, and buried my husband, father, and mother. I'm going to miss him. It's going to be weird getting used to a new minister.

I did not eat very healthy at Cracker Barrel last night, and I'm queasy this morning because of it. Back to few carbs!!

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